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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 0893c124.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-02-17  |  337KB  |  1335x641  |  8-bit (251 colors)
Labels: book | crt screen | hakham | monitor | reckoner
OCR: RESOR Ivepll Arthiti GOl Spatisl iturtinnaad pngran Cost Is Grand Regort 232 rroms BKTW "ThePanerma Course. desiencdayDonald Ross.Was tuitin 1912nth nighi Awerdwinring Thtditi NewFnc andin chei PhilLearned prepares Ire-ours cpen sics 1866 dirnerswvery $2,158 0o0-25501o1 surrounded by 5,C00 I p ctJrescue :ocrea -.-... La dainta a tlotel Got Resort 813 rons Crtethre PetDye lavouthert ony Dunet Sive 966. LaQuina hasbens 1 Hul yw.xxdye T2 $3,395 L Qrina Cf 27auites avalable torescrt juests. .Your clut: pro maybe abe toget youor th pools anc n4t gerh third .talledNoun which privataly nwnat 700ro1 Falmer/idSoay cauree haewida bort-graefairway Tha inn islaeatoc en 1,000 with irrvigo at * vif Cad $2,527 andweaves neabs.W lis-w errafing auJs tees 7,010yards I f- on the ha cks surrmer. aylig lests 1 ...